Luhrman brilliantly casted Claire Danes as fourteen-year-old Juliet.
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Almost everything about this movie is just incredible. I admit that I was a little apprehensive about seeing this movie, fearing that Luhrman had either destroyed the play's beauty and power by setting it in modern times, or had butchered Shakespeare's eloquent words by making them sound more modern. The amazing thing about this movie is that it has managed to re-do Shakespeare's famous tragedy in a modern setting while still retaining its original dialogue. Would Will Shakespeare be happy with this adaptation of his work? We'll never know, although any fans of Shakespeare should leave the cinema pleased with this mordernised version. But Luhrmann manages to keep the audience hoping that this time it will be different. You would have to have been living under a rock, for the last 100 years to not know how Romeo and Juliet ends. Luhrmann's ablity to keep the audience wanting more is no more apparent than the ending. This is a testament to Luhrmann's brilliant snappy direction, which will take you on a rollercoaster ride of car chases, gun fights and a love that was destined to fail. Right from the explosive beginning to the tragic ending, Romeo and Juliet will keep you captivated. It also combines a fantastic soundtrack with a stunning backdrop of 'Verona Beach'. Although this is a story which has been told many times before, Luhrmann keeps the idea fresh, mainly by using a lovely mixture of fast editing and beautifully choreographed fight scenes, which wouldn't look out of place in a John Woo action film. The casting of Leonardo Di Caprio as Romeo and Claire Danes as Juliet are inspired choices, as they both give the best performance of their fledgling careers. The Australian director manages to combine an exciting mix of original Shakespearean dialect and Hollywood action, which together delivers a brilliant new concept to film making. Shakespeare gets a Hollywood make over in Baz Luhrmann's high-octane remake of Romeo and Juliet.